Teaching Firewood and Business to local Primary School
The other day we had Year 6 of Madley Primary School here for the day to learn about one of their local businesses. A few years ago we decided to support the school on an on-going basis to help as much as possible, so whenever they call us, we are always keen to help.
The children arrived mid-morning and George (co-founder) hosted the visit, assisted by our marketing assistant Natalie. George gave them a talk about Certainly Wood, then dressed them all up in yellow jackets and gave them a tour around the yard, showing them all the firewood processing machines, the wood-fired kilns and the packing operation which they loved. Afterwards, George briefed them on some suitable questions to ask the staff and then after introducing the staff, they spent time asking them questions. Jenny was asked about admin and accounts, Alex about sales, Roger about finance and Nic and Natalie about marketing.
Do you know what, I was so impressed by the children. Not only were they really well behaved and a credit to the school, but they asked some great questions to us all. They really did embrace the visit and afterwards wrote us some fantastic letters - very grown up indeed.
They obviously listened carefully and came away with some good business advice from George, and even some that at times amuses us all in the office, such as George's motto, 'Don't Dilly Dally, Do' - they all loved that one. But also several appreciated what they referred to as the 'motivational talk' from George. He said that in order to succeed in business they all needed to be enthusiastic, passionate, have lots of motivation and work hard. He went on to say that when they have a job, make sure they give it 'their all', always look enthusiastic and look as though you are enjoying yourself, even if perhaps you are not - appreciate that you have got a job!!
A great day was had by all and we hope that the children of Year 6 will have taken something from the visit with things to remember for the future.