Charity Bike Ride - Day 4
Yesterday was a really good day, travelling through some wonderful country, The Grampians and weather stayed pretty good most of the day except for the odd shower. In total 114 miles from Fort William to Glasgow. Once again it was a joy to meet the support team at 2.15 for our daily cook up of pasta in the campervan. This time we had done 73 miles so just 43 to do. All was going well with an excellent run until we came to the last few miles into Glasgow when the rain started and then we got slightly lost forgetting that Glasgow is not a small town. Asking a taxi drive where to go and hoping he would say, its just around the corner, he said it was another 5 miles to go. Having thought we were on for an early finish, we finally got to our Premier Inn at 7 p.m. Still not too bad.
Having pre-asked the Premier Inn about storing our bikes which they said was not a problem, we were confronted by a most unpleasant and unhelpful member of staff who turned out to be the Manager of the Glasgow Stepps Premier Inn. She said there was no where to store bikes, except outside and even the rooms were regarded as a Health & Safety issue to store bikes. However we were rescued by the very helpful manager next door at The Brewer's Fayre at Buchanan Gate next door where we also ate. Its so refreshing to meet helpful people who understand the meaning of raising money for Charity and will do anything to help!
Finally we were cycling along and a lady waiting on the side of the road handed me £10 to give towards our charity and said well done boys! - Astounding how many people are touched by Parkinsons.
Today we set off from Glasgow. Our Garmin computers have worked wonders; with the route downloaded, they have very successful guided us along our route. Will had already had a problem with his bike, not serious, but passing a bike shop seemed too good an opportunity to get the problem fixed. Once again a gesture of generosity as they chose not to charge us, but instead put the money to charity. This was just after a lady saw us stopped at the lights and said "Well done, I am just off to see my father in hospital who has Parkinsons - she wanted to give us a donation, but apologised for having no money on her!
The morning was slow, and terrible road surfaces and wet weather added to the drag of a slow morning and whilst we didn't quite hit the wall, we dropped into a rut! However, the passing of the support team gave us a lift and we even got a bit of their slipstream for a few miles to help us along!. 2pm and 60 miles in, lunch was most welcomed, but we were wet and cold, so a change of clothes also helped. The afternoon went really well and there was the obvious chance for a very welcome photo opportunity as we arrived in England - Scotland now behind us. We finally arrived in Carlisle at 5.50 p.m - our earliest finish yet after 104 miles. This gave us a more relaxed evening and a chance to clean the grime off the bikes ready for a big day tomorrow down to Aintree.